Medical Device Training in Malaysia – HRD Corp Claimable Course Scheme

Effective Root Cause Analysis


Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is one of the most common actions required at every organization not only to solve day-to-day operational problems but play important role in other improvement activities such as lean sigma, risk management etc.


Root cause analysis (RCA) involves searching backwards from an undesirable effect (or problem) to its cause(s) and addressing those causes to effectively prevent recurrence.


This training provides the learner with a basic understanding of the principles and techniques of effective Root Cause Analysis and providing concepts needed to effectively perform investigation. The course is ideal for anyone who needs to understand the terminology and process of effective RCA.



This training enables learners to:

  • Understand the importance of getting to the root cause of a problem to assure that it is eliminated for good.
  • Recognize common barriers to root cause analysis and apply techniques to overcome those barriers.


  • Introduction
  • Challenge in root cause analysis
  • Benefit of effective root cause analysis
  • Symptoms vs Cause of Problem
  • Contribution factor vs root cause
  • Type of root cause
  • Root Cause Analysis Problem Solving Model
  • Root Cause Analysis Tools
  • Actions to prevent future problem- Corrective Action Preventive Action
  • Human Error
  • Root Cause analysis in a regulated environment
  • Tips for performing effective root cause analysis


Manager, team leader, quality assurance engineer/executive, supervisor or facilitator in charge of problem-solving or initiating improvements.

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